
Dear audience, dear music lovers,

His Royal Highness Duke Franz of Bavaria and I would like to welcome you to the Herrenchiemsee Festival 2025. Under the motto “Time of Blossom”, the Frauenmünster and the spectacular Hall of Mirrors at Herrenchiemsee Palace will once again become a concert venue for internationally renowned artists.
The “time of flowering” means a time of development and perfection, but also of maturity and beauty! It is an honour and a pleasure for me to present to you in three of the concerts works that particularly symbolize this blossoming, including Brahms’ 2nd Symphony and two monuments of sacred music, Mozart’s “Great Mass in C minor” and Bach’s “High Mass in B minor”.
The other concert programs take you on an inspiring journey through the heyday of musical eras from the Baroque to the classical Romantic period.
Enjoy the concerts together with our artists and experience a “time of blossoming” with us at the Herrenchiemsee Festival!

Yours sincerely
Kent Nagano
Patron of the Herrenchiemsee Festival